Micro, meso and macro-level discourses of information society are very interrelated and assignment of some particular problem to some of this narratives shows the level of abstraction and level of investigation the reseacher decides to go along.
The macro level can be developed more in detail up to micro level and the same meso and micro level can raise the question concerning to macro level. So this interconnectivity can be usually observed.
The macro level can be developed more in detail up to micro level and the same meso and micro level can raise the question concerning to macro level. So this interconnectivity can be usually observed.
"Computermen" in their company are used to the words which e.g. means computer functions but they can be also used for description of human activities. As in each society there is a sleng but sleng concerning to computers spread all ower crowd because it's the only device which is used by the most. So this 'computermen'-sleng which was primary only for naming some computer functions integrated into every day life of sphere and continues to expand. Thus, initially been invented in micro level the language with technical extension moves to meso level.
Also on-line shopping is still on meso level and not all groups have access to performing it but this lack of need to get outside even to make shopping (e.g. being home-worker) may bring us to new format of society where the real offline communication is rare and unusual.
Indeed it seems to me that macro-level could not be described or predicted properly as far as all technological improvements issue social changes which are unpredictable inherently.